Principal Sponsors

Principal Sponsors

1-on-1 Expert Sessions

Got a burning question for an industry professional? 

Talk to an expert!

Book a session with an expert and learn from the best at the conference.
Bookings will be available 
Wednesday 12pm – 5pm, 
Thursday 8.30am – 5pm, 
Friday 8.30am – 12pm. 

Australian Design Rules (ADR’s)

Understanding the ADR’s is vital to meet your legal obligations under the Road Vehicle Standards Act (RVSA).  This is your opportunity to sit down with one of the RVMAP team – the most knowledgeable experts on ADR’s relating to low ATM trailers (including caravans) in the country.

Anne Campbell
Compliance Engineer
Caravan Industry Association of Australia 

Lachlan Carpenter
Compliance Engineer
Caravan Industry Association of Australia

Alfred Jose
Compliance Engineer
Caravan Industry Association of Australia

Grant Smith
Compliance Engineer
Caravan Industry Association of Australia

Legal Advice – Australian Consumer Law (ACL)

Want to get expert advice regarding a legal matter with a consumer or business.  Here is your opportunity to sit down for a unique opportunity for free legal advice.
Douglas Caillard
Kyard Business Law

Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots

Marketing and operations are changing quickly and artificial intelligence and chatbots are already being used by savvy businesses within the RV industry.  This is your opportunity to get practical one on one advice on how to use this important technology in your future business.
Amanda Dempster
Holiday Brands & ParkPA

Legal Advice – Human Resources

The employment landscape is changing quickly.  Here is your chance to get your HR legal questions answered by leading employment law firm HR Legal.

Alex Bennett

Emily Durack

3D printing CNC Machines and Laser printing

Innovation is the way of the future.  Take the opportunity to get practical one on one advice on how to take your business forward and reap the benefits.

Luis Zuniga
Alfex Product Manager – Additive

Christian Buhagiar 
Alfex Director – Strategic Operations

Suraj Sethi
Markforged Country Manager – ANZ